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Plot Twists

Updated: Mar 31, 2021

I'm sure that we've all had that moment when we reach the end of a chapter and we are left on the edge. 'What will happen next?' we ask. But reading the plot twists is much more simple than writing one. In this post, you will find there is a very simple way of writing these cliffhangers without making it sound too - cliche.

Now, just in case you don't know what a plot twist is, it's a literary technique in which the writer ends the chapter without a conclusion, not allowing the reader to find out what comes next before the next chapter. Here is a short example:

I stared in shock at the apparition before me, unknowing what would happen next. He raised his hand and I screamed and ducked into the safe dark recesses of Behind the Counter. As I looked up again, I realized he had no intention to harm me, but instead, he was showing me a tattoo on his hand. The tattoo had a dark green shade, like money, or spinach must be better said. But what concerned me most was the shape. A shape I never thought I'd see, ever, in my entire life. A shape that terrified me more than anything I had ever seen before.

And that's where the chapter ends. And also where a lot of questions form in our mind. Who is the man? What does the tattoo show? Does anything happen to the narrator?

Now, you see, many people engage in writing plot twists. But the hardest part is figuring out what to do when you get to that LAST SENTENCE. It's bad to end it with a simple... 'and then, everything went black'. That is not a good plot twist ending.

So what is a good plot twist ending? To write one, you need to have a clear question in mind. You need to wonder, what do I want my reader to ask? Do I want them to be angry - sad - mystified? Everything depends on that. Also, remember - description is the best thing you can use. Putting your readers in a situation where they can visualize the situation they are in will immerse them more in the story and increase more suspense.

Above all - don't forget to enjoy it!

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